Pink Shoe Haiku

Traditional Haiku about non-traditional subjects. Post your comments - haiku, limerick, prose, or otherwise.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Our boss at work bought my entire team Starbucks today.

JulieDooley, in appreciation of her Ginger Spice Latte, sent me a haiku for all of you:

Elixir of life
Caffeinated happiness
Coffee, sweet coffee.

My Soy Chai inspired one, too:

Delicious, spicy,
Warm, creamy two buck spike in
Job satisfaction


  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger J. Andrew Lockhart said…

    I don't think I could live without coffee! if there weren't any coffee, I wouldn't want to live, anyway

  • At 1:05 PM, Blogger v said…

    hmm, is starbucks paying you gals like Ben and Jen Affleck?

    cool haikus nevertheless.

    PS - why can't we post comments on the other blog?


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