Pink Shoe Haiku

Traditional Haiku about non-traditional subjects. Post your comments - haiku, limerick, prose, or otherwise.

Monday, October 31, 2005

On Realizing I Did Not Stop at Squirmy's Grave When I Passed it Friday Night

oh sweet gecko of
health professions one how quick
we forget your charms

Friday, October 28, 2005

Modern Work Day

Sitting at my desk
Pretending to do work I
Sneakily read blogs

For Deanna

Zombies! Kill their heads!
(don't throw the good records, though)
It's Shaun of the Dead.

Morning Commute

Passing on the right
makes me happy - I like to
burn slow old drivers

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

evening walk

going to coffee
with my matt at night
we stop by a tree

Monday, October 24, 2005

Noisy Neighbor

like a homeless cat
that keeps aimlessly mewling
they just won’t shut up

Early Morning

beep beep beep beep beep
I lean over and hit snooze;
sleep nine more minutes

Sunday, October 23, 2005


grey cold day, chilling
wind tickles my tiny toes
I really hate fall

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Harriet, Sweet Harriet...

nominated to
the highest court in the land?
it could be your mom

BYU Game

crisp autumn breeze blows
orange leaves blue gold uniforms
weis on the attack

Tom and Katie Farce?

another media grab
is it real or just a ploy:
TomKat in the oven?

Ode to the Pink Shoe

small flawless slingback
fuchsia, peep toe, little bow
quintessential pink shoe